About Counselling:


Counselling is different for everyone, depending on your goals. You and I can tailor your sessions to work best for you. For example, you may want highly structured sessions with homework, or you may want sessions to be mainly insight-oriented with little structure. The first few sessions will be part of an assessment phase when we are building rapport and trust, setting goals, and determining what works. After that, our real work begins; Counselling isn’t a quick fix but needs diligent effort for the best results. When you feel comfortable moving into the final stages of Counselling, we will mutually re-assess your progress, ensure your goals are satisfied, and begin the termination phase of treatment, which can last a few sessions.



I’m Coming in for My First Session…

What Should I Expect?


I’m glad you are coming! Don’t worry, it’s normal to be nervous.

Preparing for our first session:




I am at Karimnagar, Telangana State, India - 505001. When you arrive, please sign in at the front desk. If you have completed the required forms, just make yourself comfortable in the waiting room. If you have not completed the forms, please ask the receptionist I will come to meet you in the waiting room at your appointment time. My initial sessions last 60 minutes.


Have questions in mind:


You may have questions similar to other people, like: Am I your worst patient?; Can you handle my case?; When will I start seeing results? Do I need to take medication? Make a list of any such questions or concerns and we can discuss them the first time you come in.


Completing forms:


Prior to meeting with me, please take some time to fill out these required forms. These are forms similar to the type you would fill out prior to seeing a medical doctor and will take approximately 20 minutes to read and complete.


Signing forms:


These forms are required and must be signed before we begin treatment/our relationship, but don’t sign anything you are not comfortable with. If you have questions prior to signing, we can go over them together. We also will review some information on them together, like my fees and cancellation policy.


Please don’t forget:


Bring a cash or a cheque to pay; your list of questions; and any medical or past psychological records you may want to show me (optional).